CS 184: Computer Graphics and Imaging, Spring 2020

Project 2: Mesh Editor

Fanjia Yan, CS184-AAT



In the project, we are manipulating the trianglar mesh to create geometric modeling. Throughout the project, we explore Bezier curves and the half edge data structure.

Section I: Bezier Curves and Surfaces

Part 1: Bezier curves with 1D de Casteljau subdivision

De Casteljau's algorithm is a numerical method that takes in a set of points and recursively linear interpolate points for Bézier curves, I implement the algorithm by traversing through all the points and lerp each adjacent points for (n - 1) times and return the (n - 1) points for each recursion. The base case will be when there is only one point.

t = 0.5 First Level
t = 0.5 Second Level
t = 0.5 Third Level
t = 0.5 Fourth Level
t = 0.5 Fifth Level
t = 0.5 Final View

Here are the screenshot and recording of readjusting the points and t value:

movement of adjusting t
rearrangement of control points
screenshot of different t value
screenshot of different t value

Part 2: Bezier surfaces with separable 1D de Casteljau subdivision

For each control point in the vector, there are 4 subpoints. We first traverse through all the control points and perform De Casteljau Algorithm using parameter u on each control point which will output an interpolated point. We then store the interpolated points in a vector. Lastly, we return the result of performing De Casteljau Algorithm again on the new vector with parameter v.


Section II: Sampling

Part 3: Average normals for half-edge meshes

We calculate the Average normals by traversing through all the neighbour of halfedge. For each halfedge we encounter, we find the three vertices of the triangle and calculate the area. Then we add the area times the normal vector of the face to the average normal. Ultimately, we return the unit vector of the weighted normal.

flat shading
phong shading

Part 4: Half-edge flip

In order to implement edge flip, I create a labeled graph before and after the edge flip for reference when trying to code. I first list out all the halfedges,vertices,edges,faces the two adjacent triangles can have and label them. Then for each hafledges we use setneighbor to reassign all the connected edges,vertices, and faces after the flip according to the graph we make. Finally, For all the vertices, edges, and faces variables, we reassign the corresponding halfedge after the flip.

Teapot before edge flipping
Teapot after edge flipping

Initially, I did not create a before-and-after edge flip graph so I don't remember which hafledges correspond to which vertices so I have to restart and map it out first. It takes a while to draw the graph but it makes coding much easier.

Part 5: Half-edge split

Similar to part 4, I created a label graph before and after spilting the triangles for reference. Then I create variables to store all the pointers of halfedges,vertices, edges, and faces. I also created 6 new halfedges, 3 edges, 2 faces, and 1 vertex to account for the new elements when spilting. Finally, I assigned the pointer to what it should be after the spilting according to the graph I previously made. The output of the function will be the vertex that was recently created.

before edge spilting
after edge spilting
before edge spilting and flipping
after edge spilting and flipping

Part 6: Loop subdivision for mesh upsampling

One Subdivision
Two Subdivisions

From the screenshot, we can see that the shape of the teapot becomes more natural and realistic after loop subdivision as the geometric shape of the mesh becomes less obvious and the mesh looks moer like a teapot with a lot of curves. The sharper corners are smoothened by the increasing number of loop subdivision.

Original Cube
with pre-spilting
without pre-spilting

Pre-spilting the edge make the mesh more smooth and symmetric because we have more edges during sampling and gives more vertices

normal view of cube
1st subdivison
2nd subdivison
3rd subdivison
4th subdivison
5th subdivision

If we pre-process the cube, we can symmetrically upsampling the cube.For example, we could split the diagonal edge on each face and that will guarentee that the changes in position of the corner vertices/center vertices are the same, which makes the mesh symmetrical. When we do a subdivison, it spilt the four triangles in one face to sixteen triangles, which retain the symmetry. When we keep spilting, each face will still be radial symmetric because we distinctly seperate a rectangular face into four triangles.

pre-processed 2nd subdivision
pre-processed 3rd subdivision

Section III: Optional Extra Credit

If you are not participating in the optional mesh competition, don't worry about this section!

Part 7: Design your own mesh!