CS 180 Project 4: Image Warping and Mosaicing

Jaxon Zeng

Part A

Shoot the Pictures

To prepare for this project, I have shot several sets of pictures for later steps. In each set, I setup several correspondence points for each pair of pictures.

The first set is the beautiful San Francisco skyline during a clear night. I took the set with a camera on a long focal length lens.

San Francisco Skyline

SF 1
SF 2
SF 3
Correspondence 1-2
Correspondence 2-3

Village under Snow Mountain

The second set is a village under the beautiful mountain. I took this set with a wide angle lens.

MT 1
MT 2
MT 3
Correspondence 1-2
Correspondence 2-3

My Living Room

I took the third set randomly in my living room with my phone.

RM 1
RM 2
RM 3
Correspondence 1-2
Correspondence 2-3

Recover Homographies

To recover homographies, I need to find a matrix to perform projective mapping between correspondence points. The matrix has 8 degrees of freedom and the lower right corner is set to 1 since all my images are taken with the same focal length within the same set.

$$ H = \begin{bmatrix} h_1 & h_2 & h_3 \\ h_4 & h_5 & h_6 \\ h_7 & h_8 & 1 \end{bmatrix} $$ For each correspondence points $p'$ and $p$, I will have $p' = Hp$. $$ \begin{bmatrix} x' \\ y' \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} h_1 & h_2 & h_3 \\ h_4 & h_5 & h_6 \\ h_7 & h_8 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} $$ Expanding the matrix I have: $$ \begin{aligned} x' &= h_1 x + h_2 y + h_3 \\ y' &= h_4 x + h_5 y + h_6 \\ w' &= h_7 x + h_8 y + 1 \end{aligned} $$ To set the scaling factor to 1, I normalized the result by the third row: $$ x' = \frac{h_1 x + h_2 y + h_3}{h_7 x + h_8 y + 1} $$ $$ y' = \frac{h_4 x + h_5 y + h_6}{h_7 x + h_8 y + 1} $$ Simplify the result we have: $$ h_1 x + h_2 y + h_3 - x' (h_7 x + h_8 y + 1) = 0 $$ $$ h_4 x + h_5 y + h_6 - y' (h_7 x + h_8 y + 1) = 0 $$ Write this result back to matrix form: $$ \begin{align} \begin{bmatrix} -x & -y & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & x' x & x' y & x' \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & -x & -y & -1 & y' x & y' y & y' \end{bmatrix}&\begin{bmatrix} h_1 \\ h_2 \\ h_3 \\ h_4 \\ h_5 \\ h_6 \\ h_7 \\ h_8 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} &= &0 \\ A&h &= &0 \end{align} $$ To eliminate error, I set more correspondence points than the equation needed. When solving the matrix, I try to get the minimum error solution. I use Singular Value Decomposition for $H$.
In SVD, we decomposite $A$ into three components. $$ A = U \Sigma V^T $$ The solution for $H$ is the last column of $V^T$. I reshape the last column to a $3\times3$ matrix. And normalized the matrix based on the bottom right corner to retrive $H$.

Warp the Images

After I get the recovery matrix from correspondence points, I can simply use forward warpping to transform one image into another by multiplying the coordinates with $H$. To map the original image into the new transformed image, I use scipy.interpolate.griddata to interpolate the color of the new coordinates. I also calculate the the size of output image by the four corners of the new image.
To test the result of the warping function, I rectify some images to make parts of the images into a shape of square.
TV into square
Road Sign into square

Blend Images into a Mosaic

Here comes the most interesting part of the project. I can finally blend the images into a single panorama. I use the warping function to warp the images into the result shape. Then I compute their bounding box to decide their position in the final image. Then I align each image based on their position. At first I use a hard blending that directly put the three images into the final image.
SF 1
SF 2
SF 3
SF 1
SF 2
SF 3
SF Pano

MT 1
MT 2
MT 3
MT 1
MT 2
MT 3
MT Pano

RM 1
RM 2
RM 3
RM 1
RM 2
RM 3
RM Pano

The direct blending works fine for the first set of images. However, it's obvious that the panorama of the second and third set did not blend smoothly. To create a smooth blending between images, I use the Laplacian multilayer blending method from project 2. I use a gaussian filter to create a mask that smoothly merge the edge of two images together.
SF Pano Smooth

MT Pano Smooth

RM Pano Smooth

Part B

In this part, instead of manually defined correspondence points, I will implement the method to auto align images and create the final mosaics. I will follow the paper “Multi-Image Matching using Multi-Scale Oriented Patches” by Brown et al to establish correspondence in a set of images. Then used the 4-point RANSAC method to compute homography. At last, I will blend the image using the same method as part A.

Detecting Corners

For the first step of corner detection, I used the Harris Corner Detection algorithm. I used the sample code get_harris_corners, where the Harris response is calculated by skimage.feature.corner_harris and then pick local maxima as corners by skimage.feature.peak_local_max.
As the algorithm is superlinear to number of corners in the images, I need to reduce the number of corners in order to speed up the algorithm. I followed the section 3 of the paper to implement Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression. To perform ANMS, I calculated the pairwise distance using dist2 from sample code. Then for each corner, I calculated the suppression radius by the minimum distance for it to meet another strong corner (strong means a high harris response value). Then I will sort the radii of corners and return the given number of points with the highest radii values. By this suppression algorithm, the remaining points are strong and evenly-distributed.
RM1 Detected Corners
RM1 ANMS Detected Corners (300 points)

Feature Descriptor

In the next step, I extract the features of each corners so that they could be used in feature matching for the next step. I used a patch of 8$\times$8 patch of pixels as the feature. I first sample a 40$\times$40 window around the corner and then use gaussian filter to blur the window. Then I call cv2.resize to resize the window into a 8$\times$8 patch of windows. Lastly, I normalized the patch as the feature for the corner.
Sample Feature Descriptor 1
Sample Feature Descriptor 2
Sample Feature Descriptor 3

Feature Matching

Following the section 5 of the paper, I implement the feature matching to match the correspondence corners. I first calculate the distance between two set of descriptor by the norm of difference. By Lowe of thresholding, for a descriptor, if the distance of the closest descriptor is under a ratio of the distance of the second closest descriptor, then the two corners match.
Matching corners between SF1 and SF2
Matching corners between SF2 and SF3


I used the standard 4-point RANSAC method to compute a homography estimate. In the RANSAC loop, the algorithm will calculate:
1. Select four feature pairs (at random)
2. Compute homography $H$ using the method from first part.
3. Compute the warpped points and determine inliers where $dist(p_i',Hp_i)<\varepsilon$.
4. Keep the largest set of inlier
After the loop finishes, recompute H estimate on all of the inliers.
Inliers for $Hp_i$(green), $p_i'$(red) on SF2

Auto Mosaic

Integrating all the methods, I can perform auto mosaics by simply passing in images.

SF Autostitching
SF Manual Stitching

MT Autostitching
MT Manual Stitching

RM Autostitching
RM Manual Stitching